Saturday, January 7, 2012

37 Weeks

Weekly Survey

How far along?: 37 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: + 36.5 pounds (My weight at the doctor's office was actually a little less than last week.)

Sleep: I have been pretty lucky until this point, but things seemed to have taken a bit of a turn. I've now had several nights where I think I only really slept three or four hours total! Boo. Miraculously, I'm still productive at the gym and at work...but I'm EXHAUSTED at the end of the day.

Best moment(s) this week: I ordered the last few things we think we need right away (e.g., waterproof pads, breast pump), and Nick's parents picked up the Pack N Play sheets for us! We also organized the nursery furniture! Sneak peek...

Movement: Feet to the ribs and lots of side-to-side wiggling! 

Symptoms: HUGE, hard belly! I constantly get comments that my belly looks like a basketball!

Maternity clothes?: Duh. Lots of tights and dresses this week!

Food cravings: Crackers!

Food aversions: Nope.

Healthy eating?: I did okay. I feel like all I want to do at work is eat. Luckily, it is all healthy...I just eat all day long!

Exercise: I got in all my cardio and weight sessions - including two BodyPump classes! I hope the one on Friday wasn't my last class!!!

Gender: Baby boy!

Labor signs: My doctor did a new pelvic exam on Wednesday, and I was 1 cm dilated. I don't know if it really counts as a "labor sign," but she said it is a good place to start!

Belly button in or out?: Flat and stretched out!

What I miss: Hmmmm. I can't think of anything. I do miss having a clean kitchen table. Does that count!?! Ha. I keep piling paperwork, coupons, etc. on it, so it hasn't been cleared off in days: (

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the baby's room and wrapping things up at work! SO close...

Weekly wisdom: Find a nursing top WAY before you need it - even if you don't buy it. I'm having a terrible time even finding any to try on! I've only found them at Target and Wal-Mart, and these stores don't have much of a selection. I ordered some bras/tanks online over the weekend, so hopefully something will work! (Anybody have a suggestion?)

Milestones: Nick installed the car seat! We have the installation inspection on Friday. One step closer to bringing the little guy home!

What I'm Smiling About This Week V. 23

- I had a great Monday! Natalie and I had time for a nice long walk, and I had a good visit with Mom, Grandpa, and Grandma at Brandon Woods.

- Nick's 31st birthday was on Tuesday. Butch and Judy took us to LongHorn Steakhouseyummy! I had chicken, but I will DEFINITELY get a steak next time we're there!

N + L
(I look tired!)

J + B

- On Wednesday, I had El Mezcal and Orange Leaf with Emma, my former student and friend. It was great to hear about her life at KSU and to eat some delish food!

- I started washing baby clothes, and they smell so good: ) For the most part, I don't mind doing laundry - but I especially like doing baby laundry!

- Callie has been acting out here and there, but sometimes she is SO sweet. On Saturday night, Nick and I watched Columbiana, and Callie chewed on her bone at the end of our bed. She is only allowed on the bed when her special quilt is covering our bedspread. When she finished her bone, she scooted up to put her head on the baby.

- Jerod Nieder, my friend from high school, was in a bad accident - which does NOT make me smile! What does make me smile is the attitude he has about his recovery and the number of people he has rallying around him! We went to his benefit on Saturday, and there were hundreds of people there. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers! Love you, buddy!

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