Saturday, March 22, 2014

2 Years - Week 7 - Arts and Crafts

The winter has given us plenty of time to paint, color, and experiment with Play-Doh. Hudson LOVES all of it - and it gives me a break from playing (and picking up!) trains! 

I love how hard he concentrates to dip his paintbrush perfectly into the water and into the colors! Blue is favorite color, and he insists on lots and lots of blue while painting!

He has been painting all sorts of things...

Christmas/birthday thank you notes!

Random creations!

{He was SO SO SO proud of his valentines that he quickly said "yes" 
when I asked him if I could take his picture next to one of his painting! SO cute!}

 Hudson and Arlo also created this marker masterpiece for the 
Love Your Library Tile Project. 

{Their tile will become a part of the new library, 
and the proceeds will support literacy programs and will be matched with 
National Endowment for the Humanities grant funding!}

Play-Doh is still a little advanced, but he enjoys smashing it, 
pouring it into containers, and rolling it into balls and snakes! 
I'm sure he'll be sculpting in no time; )

Now I just need somewhere to store all of these creations; )

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